Wednesday, 29 September 2010

SPY PARTY preparation

As a mixture of students from 1st and 2nd year we've been working very well, we quickly planned every small details of our spy event like costumes, equipment, music/sounds which we were going to use as a background and different decorations. As inspirations we used spy movies like "James Bond" series, "Ronin" or "Salt".

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Course Party Project

 A short, three days group project, "the first contact" with a second year students who we've been working with. Each group had a theme which we should following to, my group ( 4 students from each year) as a theme chose "Spy Party".

Monday, 27 September 2010

summert project

I love absurdity, being absurd or absurd situations. One of them was a preparing of my Summer Project. After one week of my absence at the university I didn't really know what's going on my course, in the end I realised I have only 15 minutes left to dealdline for the Summer Project. So I took this challenge and have prepared instruction sheets for two "games". On the end of that day I think I was happy of a result of my "15 minutes project" ;-)